Snowflake Method

Jun 10th, 2021

I recently was reading about a method that helps in developing complex ideas in a controlled and more straight forward way. It’s called the Snowflake Method. I will summarize the method here:

  1. Write a one-sentence summary. (<15 words)
  2. Expand the sentence to a full paragraph. Summarize the 3-Act structure.(~5 sentences)
  3. Character summaries for each character. (~1 page each)
    • Name
    • Summary of characters story line
    • Motivation
    • Goal
    • Conflict
    • Epiphany
    • One-paragraph summary
  4. Expand each sentence of #2 into their own paragraphs.
  5. Expand #3 into character synopses, tell the story from their points of view. (.5 - 1 page each)
  6. Expand #4 into 4-5 page synopsis.
  7. Expand #5 into full character charts
  8. Make a spreadsheet and detail each scene for the novel.
  9. Expand each scene to several paragraphs
  10. Write the first draft